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Monday, January 26, 2009

Today is the first day of C.N.Y =]
I woke up early in the morning. After washed up and get ready to go to my grandma's house and get red packets. LOL!
I want more and more and more red packets! hohoho.
Btw, below is the decoration of my house. hehe.

Left side. (:

Right side. (:

Btw, I saw many relatives today.
Some of them I have not met for one year.
Tonight I'll be stay in my grandma's house till very late.
Because my families want play mahjong at there.


Come back to me.
6:21 PM

Today nothing to post much.
Just want to upload a picture.
But it was yesterday's picture.

I took this picture before the reunion dinner. =]

Yesterday I went to Kok Thai Restaurant for the reunion dinner. There was very crowded. My families and I went there at 8pm sharp. We finished our dinner and went home at 10pm+. I was very full yesterday. xD


Come back to me.
4:06 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Direction: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post to sixteen random things, habbits or goals about you. At the end, choose five people to tagged, listing their names and why you choose them.

1. I love HER.
2. I miss HER.
3. I'm HERS.
4. SHE is belongs to me.
5. I'm totally addicted to HER.
6. I love my BUDDIES.
7. I miss the past (3B5).
8. I can't live without music.
9. I'm talkactive.
10. I'm stupid.
11. I love basketball.
12. I love my families and friends.
13. I hate fakers.
14. I hate betrayers.
15. I hate sun.
16. I love to tag.

TzeYin - She'll do I think.
JiaXin - Cuz she is my mui.
Chia - No reason.
Seng Hoo - Just for fun.
Audrey - Cuz she is my friend.

Come back to me.
1:16 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged by Tommy.


^^幸福套餐 No. 1 ♥
1. 你的绰号:Jonathan, General
2. 年龄:16
3. 生日:26/8/1993
4. 星座:Virgo
5. 兴趣:Listening to music, online, basketball
6. 专长:Tarak

No. 2 ♥
1. 你有没有喜欢的人:你猜呢?
2. 是否有交往:你猜呢?
3. 现在幸福吗:有她在我的身边当然幸福咯。=)
4. 如果上天给你勇气。最想做什么事:不知道。
5. 如果有天。你爱的人跟你表白的活:不知道。

No. 3 ♥
1. 点你的人是:不知道。
2. 他(她)是你的:不知道。
3. 他(她)的个性:不知道。
4. 认识他(她)多久:不知道。
5. 你觉得他(她)怎样:不知道。

No. 4 ♥
1. 最爱的节目:模范棒棒堂。
2. 最爱的音乐:好听的音乐。
3. 最爱的季节:春天/秋天。
4. 最爱的卡通:Pooh
5. 最爱的国家:美国/日本。
6. 最爱的天气:晴天。

幸福套餐 No. 5 ♥
1. 如果上天给你三个愿望:健康,聪明,希望她天天都开心。
2. 你是很专一的人吗:是。
3. 最深刻的记忆:1/11 和所有与她在一起的日子。
4. 你是个很有信心的人吗:只有在她身边。
5. 你很爱微笑吗:也是在它身边以及在我的最要好的朋友身边。
6. 如果你要放弃你现在的生活。你愿意吗:不!
7. 妄想什么的生活:开心和没有压力的生活。
8. 是否横刀夺爱才是爱:不是。

Jia Xin, Audrey, Chia.

Come back to me.
8:19 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1) Do you think you're hot?
Of cuz nope. lol.

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3) Why do like that picture?
because that picture represent that i love her, and she got a same edition's picture with me too. lol.

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
a few years? long time ago. lol.

5) The last song you listen to?
Fall For You.

6) What are you doing right now besides this?
doing nothing.

7) What name do you prefer besides yours?
Of cuz is my two lil darlings. adrain and ying. xDxD

People to tag.
1. Tze Yin
2. Jia Xin
3. Chia
4. Seng Hoo

8) Who is number one?

9) Number three is having a relationship with?

10) Say something about number two?
she is my sormui. and i do care her much. lol.

11) How about number four?
clever? and i heard people said that he got gf already? lol.


Come back to me.
5:24 PM

tagged by Tze Yin.

Here's a simple game.
Rules: you cannot answer the questions by repeating the previous answers.

5 facts
1. haha
2. lalalax
3. lmao
4. rofl
5. lol

5 secrets
1. cheh
2. omg
3. shhhh
4. wey
5. no

State 5 fatcs of yourself that people know.
1. i'm just an ordinary boy.
2. i love her.
3. i'm noisy and funny.
4. i cant live without music.
5. i'm not a gangster.

State 5 facts of yourself that people don't know.
1. i'm not a playboy.
2. i cried for her for a few times.
3. who is her? haha.
4. i'm a slowmotion people. lol.
5. idk.

State 5 bad behaviours of yourself.
1. i'm noisy and talkactive.
2. i'm rude.
3. i'm those people who always think much about something.
4. i'm always on9. my mum not allow, but i just keep on on9. lol.
5. idk again. swt!

State 5 good sides of you.
1. i'm friendly.
2. i do care my families and friends.
3. i'm fainthful.
4. i need her and my buddies as well.
5. i do keep secrets for them.

Now tag 5 people !
1. Tommy
2. Ee Hang
3. Pui Mun
4. Jia Xin
5. Chia

P/S: don't follow my examples, change to others by yourselves, because mine are way a bit different compared to others.


Come back to me.
4:59 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hey people. Today I went breakfast with my parents because my dad need to take his car for service. After that, my dad took my mum to see a doctor and fetch me home. At around 11.30am, my dad fetch me to Ee Hang's house and pick him and Tommy up to go to JJ. In the car, my dad spoke to them. And Tommy secretly took a photo of me in the car.

Captured by Tommy.

When we reach there, three of us went around window shopping. After a while, Ee Hang's girlfriend sms him and told him that she has arrived. Then we went to Kinta City's gate to meet her. Pui Mun informed us yesterday night that she'll be coming at around 1pm+. While waiting for her, we walk around and when we reach Capcom we took some photos. After that, we changed our money into token and play the basketball game.


After finishing playing at around 1pm+, we went to our lunch at Sushi King. Tommy and I ordered a set of rice together with japanese food but I ordered a can of Ice Lemon Tea, Ee Hang ordered a bowl of japanese rice and two can of Pepsi, one for his girlfriend.

I ate this. (:

While we were having our lunch, Pui Mun(my jie) sms Tommy and inform him that she has arrived. Then Tommy told her to come to Sushi King and join us. After finishing our lunch, we waited very for the bill for quite sometime because there was a lot of people. When the bill come, it cost us 75+ bucks. Wow! It was really expensive! Ohh My Gosh! After that, we went to the cinema and see got what nice movie to watch. While watching what movie to watch, I saw Jo Ee and Kar Yan. Then we choose to watch 'Bedtime Story'. After buying the tickets, we went back to Capcom and play again. After finish playing, we went upstair to take some photos.


Jonathan, Pui Mun, and Tommy.

3 of us again. (:

Again and again.

Guess what's Tommy trying to do? Lol.

Emo-ing. Haha.


Aww! Ugly-nya! =.=''

The finger not match also. Rofl.

Finally, it match! xD

The time has arrived for us to watch the movie. So we went down and buy drinks and popcorn then only we went inside to watch the movie. It was a very nice show. I fully enjoyed it very much! The movie was real fun and we laugh a lot! I recommend you all to watch this movie. Hahaha! Inside was very cold. After finished watching the movie, the first thing we did was to go to the toilet. After that, we walk around and we started feeling bored. Then we passed by a shoe shop and Tommy decided to buy a pair of shoes. So we accompanied him. It was time for me to go home, so I called my mum to come and fetch me home. It was around 6pm. It was real fun! And I enjoyed it very much. I hope that I can go out with my friends again.


Come back to me.
9:12 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Today is the first day of 2009. Btw, today also is the 2nd month anniversary of me and she. Today my grandma called my mum and asked for my PMR results. My mum told her that I only got 1 A's. Then my grandma said that my results were so poor compare with my cousin who got 6 A's and 2 B's. She encourage me to study hard for next year and SPM. And she keep on nagging at me and I'm so frustrated and unhappy. Why must she always compare my results with my cousin?! Who can answer me?! Damn! After that, my sis scolded me and said that I make her shame. What the hell! Last time her results were even more sucks than mine. And my mum said that I always online and texting with friends. My dad more crazy. He blame my mum that she never teach me well. I know that I'm stupid! I know that I'm not same like others that can score well in the exam! I know I make the atmosphere of my families changed! My mood suddenly changed. I tried to control my temper. Luckily at that time, my dear was accompanying me. I really love her hell much! She said that I get less A's than others doesn't means that I'm stupid. Just because I'm different from others. And everyone is different. No matter how they talk about me, I also cannot get angry or moody. I just can take it as an advise. The results was already out. So let it be. As long as I done my best. That's it! Thanks you my dear! Love you a lots ya. =]
After lunch, I heard that my dad want to call my grandma go dinner together with us tonight. Then I got a feeling that my grandma will nag me again in the restoran tonight. But at last she didn't do that. My mum encourage me to study hard for next year. Aww! She said she want to confiscate my modem for next year. I only can online at weekend. Damn! I don't care! I'll do my best for next year and SPM as well. I'll show my grandma that i'm not stupid and useless! That's it!

Thanks you dear!
I'll try harder next year.

Come back to me.
10:19 PM

Hey people. I just came back from New Year Eve's countdown. It was fun and memorable. LOL! This is my first time celebrating countdown with my friends. Today 8.30pm when I was having my dinner, my friends called me and ask me whether I want to go JJ with them and celebrate countdown for New Year Eve. After my dinner, Ee Hang told me that he has no transport so I need to fetch him to JJ. It was drizzling while we intend to go to JJ. After we reach JJ, I met King and Nigel at JJ's main gate. Then we walked together inside JJ. After a while, I saw Angel Ying and Xiao Y at Kinta City's supermarket. Beside that, I also saw Jenny at Coffee Bean. LOL! And I saw Ah Yew, Ah Wah, and their friends too. Heehee. Wow! I met so many of my friends! (:
After that, Nigel said he want to look for his friends. Since King hasn't taken his dinner, so both of us accompanied him to Coffee Bean and ordered our drinks. LOL! King order Chocolate Float and Ee Hang order White Coffee and myself order Mocha. LOL! Three of us enjoyed our drinks and we chit chat a lot. Beside that, we took some pictures there. =)

Tommy, Jonathan, Ee Hang. (:

Me. (:


Tommy again. He is trying to show something. Rofl.

Ee Hang. Cool. =]

At around 10pm, there was slightly rain so we decided to go to Sincero for countdown. But we saw a lot of elderly people around there so we were afraid to go in. We called Nigel and he told us he was with his friends at Infinity. So we all went and meet him there. Then we join them and played DOTA until 11.15pm+. Then I suggest to go to Sincero for countdown. After we walked there we found that there was a lot of elderly people. So we went in and enquire and they told us that we need to buy 5 bottles of beer for two persons and cost 80 bucks. We felt that it was very expensive so we decided to change our venue to Voodoo. While we were walking to Voodoo it was almost 12am. So we hurriedly walk to Hot Track. There was a lot of people and it was very noisy. Then after a while, we heard loud sound of fireworks from Voodoo. We rushed out to watch the fireworks. It was so beautiful and I took some pictures.

Fireworks. It's beautiful! xD

I like this. (:

Burst! Haha.


Aww. Missed!


Finally, this is the group pic.

*Friendship forever*

Welcome to 2009.
Happy New Year!


Come back to me.
12:43 AM